Thursday, October 31, 2019
Why are organisations seeking to implement their chosen strategies Essay - 1
Why are organisations seeking to implement their chosen strategies through projects - Essay Example He can manage well and hence the reason that he is preferred over his colleagues for the post of the project manager. The key competencies of a project manager are immense but a few of them are mentioned within the length of this paper. Within the literature review for this topic, the emphasis would be laid on the fact that project managers commit their own selves whole-heartedly towards the cause of the project at hand and that they exhibit some of the very intrinsic traits within their professional duties and their personal capacities which make them stand head and shoulders with the rest of the employees within the organization. It is their single-ness in terms of management expertise which is given its due credit and thus they are appointed as the ones who will lead the organization towards success whilst accomplishing the results that are envisaged in the wake of a peculiar project. The literature review will explore the exact basis upon which project managers have achieved higher ranks, broke new grounds, taken care of new possibilities and in essence made their mark within this field of management itself. The key competencies of a project manager entail a number of strengths on his part and the time is right to make a clear cut understanding of the very same in the following paragraphs. (Frame, 2002) Decision making in science and indeed any other field of study is a difficult thing and for this, one needs to understand what are the basic ways in which a decision can be arrived at, without wasting much time and using the best tools and techniques in order to achieve the same. These decisions are very crucial to the outcome of a project and a project manager is accountable for the very same. At times, certain things should be kept in mind like the fact that information is the single most significant thing in this whole process. Decision-making is indeed a very
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Ethical Challenges Essay Example for Free
Ethical Challenges Essay Almost any field of profession has its corresponding hardships that an individual involved in it has to face. Nevertheless, there are occupations that pose a more challenging situation due to the fact that it deals with the life or personal affairs of other people. This kind of adage is greatly applicable to the area of psychology most specifically counseling. The counselors are responsible in aiding people who are having difficulties in various areas of their lives, may it be in terms of their personal growth, relationships with other people, and many others (Hawkins et. al, n. d. ). Being the case, counselors have their own set of ethical dilemmas in doing their responsibilities especially in terms of separating their personal and professional relationships with their clients as well as giving sound judgments in times of crucial situations. These aforementioned roles could be exemplified in this case of a counselor that works in a rural setting. Counseling in this type of area entails that almost all people know each other and that they usually go and socialize to the same places. As such, being a counselor it could not be prevented that I have to socialize with my clients to some community events. This could mean ethical dilemmas such as: confidentiality, privacy and the overall boundary between a counselor and his or her client. This is why I should establish a firm distinction between my personal and professional life. I should see to it that whenever I mingle with my clients at community events I would not discuss any of the sessions that we had especially the situation of my other patients. Moreover, it is better that I do not get to attach with any of my clients to prevent any biases in their cases but I will still make sure that I establish good relationship with them. Another case involves a counselor that works in a local high school. One of her clients called her at a very distraught state and informed her that she was pregnant before and she committed abortion. She has not told anyone about it aside from the counselor. If I were the counselor, I will tell my client that it would be better that we talk the problem over face-to-face rather than in the phone. I could fetch her, as she is not in a proper state to travel. Then, we could talk at the clinic regarding her problem. I will also make sure that utmost confidentiality is observed since this is a very serious and delicate matter. I would leave the decision to her as to when she would inform her family and her boyfriend about that particular incident. However, I would also make sure that I inform her about the limitations to confidentiality (Hawkins et. al, n. d. ). In doing so, I could aide in deciding for the appropriate thing to do. The ethically appropriate action is to aide her through counseling and other means to guide her in making the right choices but I will never meddle with her decision or impose anything upon her. The role of the counselor is to help and guide the patient to make her burden easier but never to take control of the situation. In these two cases, it is clearly observable that counselors face ethical challenges in their profession. They even encounter more incidents like these because their responsibilities deal with other people’s life especially with regards to their emotional state. As such it is important that counselors adhere to ethical standards in order to help them in making sound and appropriate decisions. Reference Cornier, Hackney. (2008). Hawkins, A. , Cormier, S. , Bernard, J. (n. d. ). Common Challenges for Beginning Counselors.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Effect of Globalization on the Food Industry
Effect of Globalization on the Food Industry Introduction The food industry is a complex, diversified sector that enhances production, processing and distribution of the food energy consumed by the world’s population. The food industry is among the largest industries in the world because it not only plays a vital role towards everyone’s health but also because it employs billions of people; hence, creating jobs (Maddox, 1994, p, xi). The expansion of this industry emerged few decades ago, after it transformed from a food production industry through agriculture towards a globalized industry that encompassed vast sectors like technology and transport. Therefore, as the world embraced globalization, the food industry did not lug behind. The objective of this paper is to analyze major transformations depicted by the food industry and elaborate how globalization relates to fast food and obesity. More so, the paper will outline the ideological underpinning of the slow food movement and the critics involved. Major transformations that the food industry has undergone in recent years 200 years ago, farmers locally produced food and sold it to the local market. However, the industry has gradually undergone a major transformation in recent years due to globalization and urbanization. This is the case because people no longer live in places where the food grows because globalization has led people to migrate to urban cities. This means that food is currently produced, processed and distributed to diverse populations through the aid of globalization that include biotechnology, technology advancement and the availability of convenient transport (Maddox, 1994, p, xi). The transformation of food industry keeps transforming due to changing lifestyles, demographics, expanding incomes and education levels, which trigger an increase in consumer demands for quality, variety and safety of food. Therefore, diversification of people into diverse demographic locations has led the food industry to find ways of producing, processing and distributing valuable and hygienically packa ged food that meets the consumers’ demands. Apparently, the food industry did an outstanding thing by embracing globalization because food availability has become an easy task. This relevance depicts through the fact that people can now acquire any food of choice at their own convenience because food is within peoples’ reach. Food is found in kiosks, grocers, restaurants and big outlets like the supermarkets. Therefore, globalization enhanced availability of reliable and fast transport that greatly aided the food industry by easing food distribution. The other relevance that food industry transformation triggered is that it improved the way food undergoes packaging (Maddox, 1994, p, xi). Unlike in the past when food had no means of preservation, modern food is hygienically packed and last longer. This means that people can consume packaged food without worrying about health implications caused by poor sanitation or staleness. Generally, transformation of food industry has greatly eased people’s lifestyle by allow ing them to get the food they desire on their own convenience unlike in the past where people had to live within the farming location or travel to the farmers’ markets in order to acquire food. The relationship between fast food and globalization Globalization is the major driver that triggered a fast moving world and the fast food industry is not exempted. This means that the world we live in today has accepted and adapted fast food as part of its food customs. This is a fact because eating traditional food in major cities is becoming a hard task because such places are full of fast food eat-inns (Inglis Gimlin, 2009, p, 258). Fast food is becoming people’s option due to its availability, convenience and cheap price tags compared to natural food. The other reason that contributes to fast food dominating the food culture is that technology has advanced insistent advertising that succeed in diminishing the natural food culture. The renowned McDonalds food chain possesses distinctive clip adverts that capture unintended appetite. Therefore, globalization not only enhanced diverse modernization but also deconstructed the healthy food culture by turning it from natural to fast food (Inglis Gimlin, 2009, p, 258). The inte nsity of the relationship between globalization and fast food shows in a developing country like china where its strong traditional food culture is slowly eroding because the Chinese are embracing modernization that encompasses change in lifestyle and food preferences. On another perspective, adaption of fast food through globalization has a major negative effect of health implications to both the developed and the developing countries. The main health complication that fast food fosters is obesity, a disease that has triggered an intensive research and debates from scholars. Scholars have differed in the sense that while others observe obesity as a disease caused by sociological incline, other scholars argue that the disease is hereditary. However, the real fact is that obesity is a disorder where an individual puts on excess weight or gets fat by consuming more food than the body system requires, or consumes food containing high fat and sugar; hence, storing the excess residue as calories. Obesity is creating serious global attention because it rates as the fifth main cause of death in developed countries. Over the past two decades, the epidemic is spreading to the developing countries; hence, becoming a global concern. The food industry is blame d for this disaster because it embraced globalization by improving peoples’ living conditions that ended up eliminating communicable diseases but still fostering non-communicable diseases like obesity by processing fast food that are cheap and available yet full of unhealthy fat and sugar (Inglis Gimlin, 2009, p, 258). Though cases of filling lawsuits against the â€Å"big food†companies like McDonalds are arising, the concerned parties should broaden their horizons and realize that globalization plays a major role in the pandemic. This is a fact because economic globalization triggers cheap prices, while social globalization triggers lifestyle habits, TV viewing and a fast food culture. Therefore, despite that social globalization contributes a higher percentage in promoting obesity, the Big food companies play the role of distribution to the final consumer; hence, the consumers should play the major part of curbing obesity by consuming healthy food (Inglis Gimlin, 2009, p, 258). Principles that support the slow food movement Several aspects contribute to the development of the slow food movement but the main phenomenon supporting the movement is food justice. This phenomenon chips in as a result of the movement’s aim of changing peoples’ perception towards fast food and encouraging them to eat natural organic food acquired from farmers’ markets and other producers (Jayaraman, 2013, p, 19). According to the union’s objective, people should shun away from the usual cheap, mass-produced non-organic stuff. A recent speech in TEDx Manhattan, by the movement’s president Josh Viertel depicts how the slow food movement has the potential to turn the fast food phenomenon around by making sustainable agriculture a widely accepted movement. More so, the president looks forward to advocate for Farm Bill education as well as creating slow food eat-ins where people can eat healthy natural food in eating joints within their reach. Despite the entire efforts outlaid by the union and its members, critics still prevails. These critics claim that organic slow food is natural but expensive and convincing people to squeeze out more money to purchase natural food becomes a tussle for the union. Nevertheless, the slow food movement is barely four years old and there is hope that it will manage to reach its goal of killing the fast food culture that has dominated the developed countries (Jayaraman, 2013, p, 19). Conclusion Globalization is an advocate of speed, an aspect that accelerates urbanization, transport system, technology and the food industry. However, despite its positivity in modifying life, it has also brought along damaging effects like the presence of big food companies that end up offering fast food that promote health complications. Despite the presence of anti-fast food movements like the slow food movement, people are yet to embrace natural lifestyles and healthy eating. This leads to the conclusion that the food industry has one remaining transformation phase of learning and embracing nutrition (Inglis Gimlin, 2009, p, 260). Though this phase will negatively affect many big food companies, the obesity pandemic will reduce at a higher percentage. Therefore, the concerned parties should utilize the availability of modern information technology to educate the world on the importance of eating healthy. References Inglis, D., Gimlin, D. L. (2009). The Globalization of Food. Oxford: Berg. Jayaraman, S. (2013). Behind the Kitchen Door. Cornell university press. Maddox, I. (1994). Practical Sanitation in the Food Industry. CRC Press.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Communication in Gustave Flauberts Madame Bovary Essay -- Madame Bova
Communication in Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary     In Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary, the quest for the sublime and perfect expression seems to be trapped in the inability to successfully verbalize thoughts and interpret the words of others. The relationship between written words and how they are translated into dialogue and action is central in evaluating Emma's actions and fate, and ultimately challenges the reader to look at the intricacies of communication.  Flaubert's portrayal of Emma's reading habits provides the basic framework for evaluating the way she processes information. In the purest representation of Emma's readership, she "picked up a book, and then, dreaming between the lines let it drop on her knees."(43). Flaubert uses reading to establish Emma's short attention span to any thoughts outside of her own. The book falling towards the floor symbolically creates the space for her illusions-- notice Flaubert chooses the word "dreaming" instead of "reading," stressing her imaginative tendencies rather than those of a critical nature. In representing Emma's interpretation skills, her distortion of the material becomes a semi-conscious decision because she chooses to deviate from the original text, but at times her manipulation of words is more accurately described as misinterpretation. When Leon praises the entertainment value of the simplistic novels containing "noble characters, pure affections, and pictures of hap piness," she misses his further conclusion that "since these works fail to touch the heart, they miss, it seems to me, the true end of art" (59). The subtext implies that she is incapable of distinguishing differences in the quality of expressions and understandi... ...ility for the interpretation of the text.  Works Cited and Consulted Berg, William J. and Laurey K. Martin. Gustave Flaubert. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1997. Colet, Louise. Lui: A View of Him. Translated by Marilyn Gaddis Rose. Athens and London: University of Georgia Press, 1986. Flaubert, Gustave. Madame Bovary. Translated by Paul de Man. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 1965. Lottman, Herbert. Flaubert. Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1989. Maraini, Dacia. Searching for Emma: Gustave Flaubert and Madame Bovary. Translated by Vincent J. Bertolini. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998. Nadeau, Maurice. The Greatness of Flaubert. New York: Library Press, 1972. Steegmuller, Francis. Flaubert and Madame Bovary. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1968. Troyat, Henri. Flaubert. New York: Viking, 1992. Â
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Historical and Scientific Perspectives on Homosexuality Essay
Historical and scientific perspectives have molded homosexuality, and the way homosexuals are viewed by themselves and others. In past western society ancient Greece, homosexual teachings were performed by the Greek society, and were thought of as a societal norm Younger males were normally seen in a homosexual relationship with an older male, these types of relations were common in ancient Greece. The way Greek perceived life back in ancient times it is starting to ease up in our modern time, and homosexuality is beginning to be viewed as if we were in ancient times especially among western countries. In modern time homosexuals are learning to cope with their homosexuality, as it is beginning to be seen as something normal that has been here since ancient times for thousands of years. Homosexuality in the ancient Greek society shows that even back then people were aware of the different sexual behaviors and feelings certain people might have, and even back then they accepted people’s individual sexual choices. In modern day when a homosexual is first coming out and announcing his way of life he/she should be proud of what they are doing because it is something that has been going on for thousands of years, and is not something to be ashamed and secretive about. Homosexuals should not let judgmental people get to them by saying you were born that way or the environment influenced you to behave like that. The truth is the truth and you are who you are nothing can or will change that is if we stay true to our self. This means as long as we know where we came from and who we ar e why should we let peoples words bother us because we know the truth about our self. As we move along, back to ancient Greece and now also including the people of ancient Rome’s homosexuality. In both of the cities ancient Greece/Rome men would travel the streets of the city looking for someone to rock their world. On top of roaming the streets for some good quality male bonding they would dress and act as if they were not men, but female. This was look at in disapproval and unacceptable that is why when the religion of Christianity increased and started to grow the downfall of ancient Rome followed, and homosexual relations were banned. The new found law prohibited sexual behavior that was not found normal. Normal sexual behavior being male-female and marriage any other acts of sex, and the people would be punished for their actions. This law continued for many years to follow, and people were committed and punished if they broke the law. Unfortunately this did not stop homosexuals from expressing their homosexuality they just became more discrete about it, so they would not see punishment from their actions. Today, most modern religions still do not approve of homosexuality seeing it as a sin. Some countries are very religious, and prohibit homosexual activity; those that are found guilty will be severely punished. The view that is seen on homosexuality in the modern day has been seen for thousands of years. That is why some homosexuals are afraid to accept their sexuality because of religious reasons (punishment from god) and society (disapproval). The hatred that is forced upon gay individuals has made it very difficult for them to be accepted among society. In our society it is normal when found to be gay to be criticized for it, and deal with harsh treatment that a straight person accepted in society would not have to deal with. When found to be a gay individual they even may have to change their church to one that accepts the view of a homosexuality. When growing up we learn that homosexuality is unnatural and not the right way of life that is not the case it is completely natural. Unfortunately many times in the beginning a homosexual might not know what they are experiencing wondering why they are different, and if it is alright they could grow to hate them self for it thinking that they are not normal. In modern time many countries still punish homosexuals, while others are more accepting they just deny homosexuals the right to marry due to religious reasons. That is all slowly changing and I think in the future will be seen differently. The scientific views on homosexuality are homosexuals inborn or is it caused due to environmental influences. That is a question that have been asked and wondered for many years, but in modern days there is evidence directing us towards homosexuality developing as an inborn characteristic. Research done on both identical and fraternal twins, show that there are higher concordance rates of gay monozygotic twins. Rathus, Nevid, and Fichner-Rathus, (2005) report that about â€Å"52% of identical (MZ) twin pairs were found to be â€Å"concordant†(in agreement) for a gay male sexual orientation, compared with 22% of fraternal (DZ) twins and only 11% of adoptive brothers†(p. 312). Also, evidence has suggested that hormonal influences could be responsible for differences in sexual orientation. Rathus, Nevid, and Fichner-Rathus (2005) explain that prenatal sex hormones be responsible for tissues in the brain to think sexually one way, but for genital development to be the other way. Also, structural examinations on the brains of heterosexual and homosexual males have provided speculative evidence that a part of the hypothalamus in gay males is smaller than that region of the hypothalamus in heterosexual males. Developing an understanding from the scientific view point on homosexuality has helped homosexuals understand why they are the way they are. Before scientific studies provided the information that homosexuality could be due to inborn, many individuals believed that people decided to be homosexuals. After the scientific studies though that thought is seen as false, and the reason why people become homosexuals is because they are born that way. Homosexuals do not choose their sexual path they are born having sexual arousals from the same sex. Homosexual people do not hate them self as much knowing the facts from the scientific studies that they were born that way, rather than choose to be that way now they feel it is how god wanted they to be and they can accept them self’s. Out The Closet and Accepting Who they are The biggest goal to overcome when being a homosexual is when the perfect time to come out the closet, and admit to our family and friends (hey I’m a homosexual). Not only is finding the perfect time hard to find, but also finding the right words to use when telling them you are not just going to say hey I’s a homosexual. Another difficult obstacle to overcome is accepting the different view we will see from society when coming out. Many homosexuals are afraid to tell friends and family because they have not completely grasped the concept of what they are. This is especially seen in someone who is transformed from heterosexual to homosexual. Another thing that bobbles around their thoughts when coming out is that they will lose important people in their life or lose their job. Coming out or letting people into your homosexuality is a very challenging experience that is one of the most difficult task a homosexual will face. One of the most common deaths an early homosexual faces is suicide normally for one of two reasons understanding their new sexuality or the fear of coming out to other people about it. Once a homosexual takes control of their power and accepts the fact they are living a life of homosexuality they can adjust to what society expects from them. After they can accept what society thinks of them they can form a relationship with an intimate partner, and develop a perfect homosexual lifestyle. Historical and Scientific Views Reflected on Personal Sexuality One’s personal sexuality has been molded and determined by history and scientific views that are seen in one’s life culture or society. Historical and scientific views reflected the way people see their own personal sexuality for the better. It has helped homosexuals better understand why they are the way they are, and they are not different that throughout time there has been people of the same sexuality facing the same problems. In modern time the punishment might not be as harsh as back in ancient time, but it is still there and seen. Homosexuality is still frowned upon by many, and many also criticize and harass homosexuals because of their difference in behavior. In the future with homosexuality become more open and known about to the public I think that schools should teach about it at an earlier age to help the younger society better understand it. Homosexuality in most cases is misjudged and treated in the wrong way if people learned about it at an earlier age t hey could learn to have a kinder understanding, and be more accepted of homosexuals. Another benefit of teaching it at an earlier age is that it would give people the benefit of know why they are the way they are, and if they feel they are different.Homosexuality has been around for thousands of year before Christianity it was accepted freely, but after the religion started growing rules banned homosexuality from being free. Homosexuals had to live in the shadows hiding who they were afraid of society, and how they would be treated and the punishment they would receive if found to be homosexuals. Throughout time the harsh treatment homosexuals faced has not ended it is becoming more in the open, and they are beginning to be accepted for who they are. Homosexuality is not always chosen it is sometimes something we are born being we cannot help they way we feel, but that does not make us different. Our sexuality might not be the same as everyone else’s, but neither are their sexuality to ours. Reference Rathus, S.A., Nevid, J.S., and Fichner-Rathus, L. (2005). Human sexuality in a world of diversity. (6th ed.) Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Joseph Pulitzer essays
Joseph Pulitzer essays Joseph Pulitzer was born on April 10, 1847, in Mako, Hungary. His father was a wealthy grain merchant of Jewish origin. His mother was a devout Roman Catholic of German roots. He had one younger brother, Albert, who trained for the priesthood, but never attained it. Joseph was educated in Budapest, under the training of private tutors and specialized schools. At age 17, Pulitzer attempted to enlist in the Austrian Army, Napoleons Foreign Legion, and the British Army, but was rejected by all three because of his poor eyesight and frail body. In Hamberg, Germany, he encountered a bounty recruiter for the United States army who allowed him to enlist as a substitute for a draftee. He served one year in the Lincoln Calvary during the Civil War. This regiment suited him as it was composed primarily of Germans. Pulitzer still spoke very little English at the time. After his stint as a soldier, Pulitzer traveled to St. Louis, where he worked several odd jobs, including baggage handler, waiter, and muleteer. While working these odd jobs, Pulitzer immersed himself in English and law studies at the Mercantile library. There, he became acquainted with two editors of the leading German-language daily paper, Westliche Post. They offered him a job, and at age 25 he became an editor. Four years later, Pulitzer was the owner of the paper, which after several shrewd business deals became the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. That same year, he married Kate Davis, a prominent Washington socialite. Pulitzer revamped the Post-Dispatch, immersing himself in every detail of the paper. He appealed to popular opinion by printing investigative articles exposing corruption, government scandals, and gambling. Shortly after, he acquired The New York World. As he did with the Post-Dispatch, Pulitzer resuscitated the ailing paper, making it the largest circulating newspaper in the country. Pulitzers tireless effort paid off in n...
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